-"Happy New Year...Norma".
-"Happy New Year...darling!"
Bring out the old, bring in the new
A midnight wish to share with you
Your lips are warm, my head is light
Were we alive before tonight?
I don't need a crowded ballroom
Everything I want is here
If you're with me, next year will be
The perfect year
No need to hear the music play
Our eyes say all there is to say
The clock has struck
The die is cast, let's take a chance
Forget the past
I don't need a crowded ballroom
Everything I want is here
If you're with me, next year will be
The perfect year
I don't need a crowded ballroom
I don't need a crowded ballroom
Everything I want is here
If you're with me, next year will be
The perfect year
It's New Year's Eve, and hopes are high
Dance one year in, kiss one good-bye
Another chance, another start
So many dreams to tease the heart
We don't need a crowded ballroom
Everything we want is here
And face to face, we will embrace
The perfect year
We don't need a crowded ballroom
Everything we want is here
And face to face, we shall embrace
The perfect year
Nα έχετε ΟΛΟΙ μια υπέροχη χρονιά!
Ο Νανάκος
5 σχόλια:
Me esteiles otan eida oti ksereis to ''quand elle rits aux eclats'' pou nomiza oti mono egw iksera.Twra me tin Dina Caroll (to tragoudi me to opoio allazw xronia ta teleytaia 4 xronia) apla mou epivevaiwses ayto pou mallon idi iksera file mou.A bientot..
εμένα ποιός θα μου βάλει ταπετσαρία στο μπλόγκ μου ; καλή χρονιά, νανάκο.
Καλή θα είναι αυτή η χρονιά... Δε μπορεί, με τέτοιο design, θα είναι σίγουρα υπέροχη!
Να έχεις μια υπέροχη χρονιά, nanako! :)
Kαλή χρονιά! όλα καλά να σούρθουνε και να χαμογελάς συχνά!
τέλειο το νέο ντιζάιν,
μπράβο στην mindstripper!
εγώ ακόμα δεν κατάφερα να βάλω μια φωτό στον τίτλο.... η άχρηστη :(
Na exeis mia omorfi xronia, kalo mou!
Δημοσίευση σχολίου